太阳王子 (1968)

  • 日本 日本
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  • 动画  奇幻  家庭
  • 片       名太阳王子
  • 上映时间1968年07月21日
  • 导       演 高畑勋
  • 又       名太阳王子 Taiyo no oji: Horusu no...
  • 编       剧 Kazuo Fuka...
  • 剧       情
    Horus, a kid living in a unnamed Scandinavian/Eastern Europe culture of the Iron Age, recovers the Sword of the Sun from the rock giant Moog...


  • Hilda: [sings] In the twilight red sky / a lonely star shines / Someone calls me, / "Come away, voiceless lark / Come away, wingless lark / From where did you come? And where will you go, now?" Hols: [after escaping from the Endless Woods and encountering Hilda] Hilda, come with me to the village. [She steps back, clutches her amulet and glares coldly at him] Hols: I was right, I knew we could get the other Hilda out of you. Come to the village, Hilda. [Shaking her head, she attacks him with her sword and he fends her off with his axe] Hols: That's the Hilda we must get out of you. Be brave and show them how human you really are. [He disarms her and she bows her head] Hols: There... you are human Hilda: [Gazes sadly at him] Goodbye, Hols. [Begins to slide into the snow darkness like a ghost] Hols: Hilda! Hilda: My brother went to the village... you'd better hurry to help Flep and Mauni. Hols: Hilda... Drago the Chief's Deputy: [Watches connivingly as Hilda mesmerises the entire village with her beautiful singing] I have a good idea... I can make use of her. Toto the Owl: Sure, you can make use of her... if only to ruin yourself. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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