
  • The Centurion: Truly, this man was the son of God. John the Baptist: REPENT! Caiaphas: Jesus of Nazareth, your crimes are so many I scarcely know where to begin. King Herod: The child of imagination is the child I fear. John the Baptist: Are you going to free me? Herod Antipas: I am going to kill you. John the Baptist: Then you free me! Herod Antipas: [walking away] I hope so. The Dark Hermit - Satan: A long climb, wasn't it? A long hard climb... You know, some people think the whole of life should be like that, hm...”An easy life is a sinful life". Not so, my friend... A man's life can be as easy as he wishes to make it. And it can be easy, my friend. If one knows the way to power and glory in this world. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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