歌剧魅影 (1962)

  • 英国
  • |
  • 恐怖  灾难
  • 片       名歌剧魅影
  • 上映时间1962年06月25日
  • 导       演 泰伦斯·费希
  • 剧       情
    The corrupt Lord Ambrose D'Arcy (Michael Gough) steals the life's work of the poor musical Professor Petry. (Herbert Lom). In an attempt to ...


  • The Phantom: I am going to teach you to sing, Christine. I am going to give you a new voice! A voice so wonderful that theatres all over the world will be filled with your admirers. You will be the greatest star the opera has ever known. Greater than the greatest! And when you sing, Christine, you will be singing only... for me. Harry Hunter: [Harry is asking Christine to go out to lunch with him after she has been dismissed from the opera] I insist that you come and celebrate. Mrs. Tucker: Celebrate, Mr. Hunter? Harry Hunter: Yes, Mrs. Tucker. Today we both got the sack. Christine Charles: Oh no, Harry. Harry Hunter: Oh yes, Harry. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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