春浓满楼情痴狂 (1962)

  • 美国
  • 片       名春浓满楼情痴狂
  • 上映时间1962年03月21日
  • 导       演 理查德·布鲁克斯
  • 剧       情


  • Heavenly Finley: You have an illusion of power, poppa! Boss Finley: I have power and that's no illusion. Boss Finley: A lot of folks say they like what I did but they don't like the way I did it. Chance Wayne: It's okay, Princess. Chance Wayne: George, George. You're the only grown man I know that still says "gee" and "golly" and "gosh." Dr. George Scudder: Well, I'm not as sophisticated as you. Chance Wayne: Oh, man. Don't you know only squares drink gin martinis with olives? Scotty: Leroy, did you know this is Chance Wayne... the famous Hollywood and Broadway celebrity? Leroy: Really? Bud: Sure. All bartenders become movie stars. Right, Chance? Chance Wayne: Oh, well. What he's trying to say is that I had your job for too long. Chance Wayne: Well, some more oxygen? Alexandra Del Lago: No. No, I must look hideous in it. Chance Wayne: Oh, no, honey. You just look exotic. Yeah. Like a princess from Mars or a... big magnified insect. Alexandra Del Lago: Did we spend the night together? Chance Wayne: Oy, yes, ma'am. But I did not molest you. Chance Wayne: I like you. You are a nice monster. Chance Wayne: This is pretty high-class pot. Where'd you get it? Alexandra Del Lago: You beautiful, stupid young man. That is not pot. It's hashish, Moroccan, and the finest. Chance Wayne: Princess, just smoke. Chance Wayne: I had my picture on the cover of Life magazine! Woo-ha! Chance Wayne: And at the same time I was... employing my other talent, lovemaking. Alexandra Del Lago: That may be the only talent you were ever truly meant for. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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