夏日春情 (1960)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧
  • 片       名夏日春情
  • 上映时间1960年12月28日(美国)
  • 导       演 亨利·莱文


  • Tuggle Carpenter: Girls like me weren't built to be educated. We were made to have children. That's my ambition: to be a walking, talking baby factory. Legal, of course. And with union labor. Ryder Smith: Experience! That's what separates the girls from the Girl Scouts. TV Thompson: Tuggle, are you a good girl? Tuggle Carpenter: Please, I don't want to disillusion you or disappoint you. TV Thompson: No, no, no, no. I won't be disillusioned or disappointed. Are you a good girl, Tuggle? Tuggle Carpenter: [reluctantly] Ummhmm. TV Thompson: [disillusioned and disappointed] Oh... Tuggle Carpenter: [leaving] I knew it. Police Captain: Gentlemen, the city of Fort Lauderdale is once again under fire from the north. We've survived it before and I reckon we're gonna survive it again. To you newly installed officers on the force, I'd to give you a little rundown on what to expect. Expect anything. Anything and everything cause that's what you're gonna get. Now, Fort Lauderdale is not the only city to be invaded at this time. In Palm Springs and in Newport, from the beaches of the Mid Atlantic to the snows of Colorado, the students of America are gathering to celebrate the rites of spring. And, if you pardon a pun, you've got that right. They're our future voters, their citizens of our country, and they're our responsibility. But how the hell to handle them, that's a different manner. [laughter from officers] Police Captain: Now these kids didn't come down here to break the law. They'll break it for sure, but that's not their main objective. And remember that they are our guests. So, I want every man on the force to try his best, his level best, to try to avoid arresting anyone. I know that this going to take great will power but try. And, above all preserve your sense of humor. Cause you're gonna need it if you want to survive. And... God bless you all. Police Captain: Wait a minute! Haven't I seen you in here before? Lola Fandango: Just once, and it was purely by accident. The night my strap broke? [she shows her very revealing top] TV Thompson: That act you do in the tank. Stupendous routine you've got there, stupendous! Lola Fandango: Thank you. It's all a matter of breath control, you have to learn to control your lungs. TV Thompson: [looking at her chest] What lungs! Lola Fandango: Oh, I've seen the seamy side of life, my little one. It hasn't all been beer and roses by a long shot. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Ryder Smith 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : [talking about them getting intimate] Don't be frightened. Merritt Andrews: I'm not frightened and I'm not being coy. It's just that I've... I've never done anything like this before. Ryder Smith: You certainly had me fooled. All that talk. Merritt Andrews: That's all it was is talk, and unless you love me the way I love you... Ryder Smith: I love you, Merritt, I love you. [they kiss] TV Thompson: Nice kids, aren't they? Ryder Smith: Yeah, maybe a little too nice. TV Thompson: Yeah, funny thing about women, if you don't make a big pitch for them, they get mad. If you do, they get mad. How can you win? Ryder Smith: You can't, you're not playing for the same stakes. TV Thompson: Boy, I know what you mean. While you're seeing stars, they see a wedding ring. They're so darn, practical. Ryder Smith: You know something. I don't think they realize what a risk marriage is for men. TV Thompson: Well not so much for a guy like you, you can afford to be wrong. I can't even afford to be right. Police Captain: [over police radio] Car .. Student in pajamas directing traffic. Tuggle Carpenter: [points to TV's radio] What's that? TV Thompson: Police calls! I like to keep track of my friends. Police Captain: [over police radio] Car 9: Student swimming in the nude at Silver Beach. Police Captain: [over police radio] Car 7: Go to Paradise Hotel. A live hammerhead shark has been placed in the pool. TV Thompson: What lungs. Get those lungs. Tuggle Carpenter: It hasn't anything to do with her lungs. She's got a little hose down there she breathes through. You see? TV Thompson: What lungs. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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