罪魁伏法记 (1959)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 犯罪  惊悚
  • 片       名罪魁伏法记
  • 上映时间1959年10月15日
  • 导       演 罗伯特·怀斯
  • 剧       情
    Dave Burke is looking to hire two men to assist him in a bank raid: Earl Slater, an white ex-convict, and Johnny Ingram, a black gambler. Bo...


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  • Bocco: I'll kill you and everything you own! Earl Slater: What you doin' with such a big ol' dog in New York? Dave Burke: Never had a wife. Kittie: [after kissing Johnny] That's good. But it was better when you wanted it. Johnny Ingram: Yeah, yeah, I know I got rid of the headache. Now I got cancer. Earl Slater: I'm off to make my fortune. Lorry: Aah... what kind of a fortune? Earl Slater: Just one of those... fortune fortunes. [after Slater insults Ingram] Dave Burke: Don't beat out that Civil War jazz here, Slater! We're all in this together, each man equal. And we're taking care of each other. It's one big play, our one and only chance to grab stakes forever. And I don't want to hear what your grandpappy thought on the old farm down in Oklahoma! You got it? Earl Slater: Well I'm with you, Dave. Like you said, it's just one role of the dice, doesn't matter what color they are. So's they come up seven. Earl Slater: There's only one thing wrong with it. Dave Burke: What? Earl Slater: You didn't say nothin about the third man being a nigger! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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