怨妇悲秋 (1956)

  • 美国
  • 剧       情
    Milly, a lonely older woman, marries Burt Hanson, a much younger man. But after the wedding, Milly discovers that Burt has been mentally unh...


  • Virginia: Sure, he should be committed! Milly: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Of course, you'd want me to commit him, get him out of your life, put him away permanently someplace where he can never again remind either one of you of your horrible guilt; how you and you had committed the ugliest of all possible sins, so ugly that it drove him into the state he's in now! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Mr. Hanson: What kind of a woman are you to be satisfied with only half a man? There must be so... Milly: Even when he doesn't know what he's doing, he's a saner man than you are! He's decent and proud. Can you say the same for yourselves? Where's your decency? In what garbage dump, Mr. Hanson? And where's yours, you tramp? Mr. Hanson: I don't have to listen to that! Virginia: She's the one who's crazy! Mr. Hanson: She has to be crazy to put up with that weakling! Milly: You, his loving, doting fraud of a father! And you, you SLUT! You're both so consumed with evil, so ROTTEN! Your filthy souls are too evil for Hell itself! [after meeting Milly's landlady, Liz, who is sporting a garishly "loud" Hawaiian-type, floral shirt] Burt: Who's the character? Milly: [smiles] Liz Eckhardt. She's the manager. Burt: Is she always dressed for Halloween? In the middle of the summer? Milly: [laughs] That happens to be one of her most conservative outfits! Burt: Aw, Milly. You wouldn't want me to spend the rest of my life with a bubble-gum addict. Would you, Milly? Milly: Sorry, I goofed! Burt: You "goofed?" Hey, man, that's "Bop" talk! Where did you ever pick that up? Milly: Well, why shouldn't I pick up an expression here and there? I'm not THAT old! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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