
  • Lt. Moore: What about those three men who were supposed to go up to Le Mans to get the Croix de Guerre? Captain Flagg: Oh, yeah. Yes, yes. All right, get 'em out of the guardhouse and have 'em take a bath and send 'em over with an MP escort. Captain Flagg: Quirt loves the bottle, and when he's drunk he is the lousiest, filthiest tramp that ever wore a uniform. He's even worse than I am, and you know I don't allow anybody to get as bad as that. Captain Flagg: It's a lousy war, kid... but it's the only one we've got. Pvt. Lewisohn: You speak English very well. Nicole Bouchard: Sister Cecile does not permit that we speak French in English class. Pvt. Lewisohn: Well, I can tell you how glad I am that you've Sister Cecile for a teacher. Nicole Bouchard: Thank you, also my father does not permit that I speak to American soldier... in any language. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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