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  • Samson: The oldest trick in the world. Silk trap, baited with a woman. Delilah: You know a better bait, Samson? Men *always* respond. Saran of Gaza: He was not captured by force of arms, but by their softness. [Samson has chosen Semadar as his bride over Delilah] Delilah: I hate him. Delilah's Father: Because he's a Danite? Delilah: Because he's a fool! Delilah's Father: Most men are, Delilah. There's nothing you can do about it. [leaves] Delilah: [smiles craftily] Sometimes a bee can move an ox. Samson: What is sweeter than honey? Semadar: What is stronger than a lion? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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