雾都孤儿 (1951)

  • 英国
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  • 冒险  犯罪
  • 片       名雾都孤儿
  • 上映时间1949年04月08日(芬兰)
  • 导       演 大卫·里恩


  • Nancy: [about Oliver] I thieved for you when I was a child not half his age, and I've thieved for you ever since, don't you know it! Fagin: And if you have, it is your living! Nancy: Aye, it is. It is my living. And you're the wretch that drove me to them long ago, and that'll keep me there, day and night, day and night, DAY AND NIGHT! Mr. Brownlow: The law assumes that your wife acts under your direction. Mr. Bumble: If the law supposes that, then the law is a ass, a idiot! If that's the eye of the law, then the law is a bachelor. And the worst I wish the law is that his eye may be opened by experience. Fagin: What has become of the boy? Speak up! Dodger: The traps got him! Nancy: I will not turn on the others because, bad as they are, they never turned on me. Fagin: Strike them all dead! What right have you to butcher me? Oliver Twist: Please Sir, I want some more. Mr. Bumble: You'll make your fortune Mr Sowerberry. Mr. Sowerberry: The prices allowed by the board are very small. Mr. Bumble: So are the coffins. Noah Claypole: Do you know who I am? Oliver Twist: No Sir. Noah Claypole: I'm Mr Noah Claypole and you're under me so don't you forget it! Mr. Sowerberry: There's an expression of melancholy in his face, my dear, which is very interesting. He'd make a delightful mute, my love. Mr. Bumble: Where is this audacious young savage? Noah Claypole: Workhouse, what's your mother? Oliver Twist: She's dead. Noah Claypole: What she die of workhouse? Oliver Twist: They said she died of a broken heart. Fagin: Clever dogs, clever dogs. Never blowed on old Fagin. Fagin: You'd like to make pocket handkerchiefs as easily as the Artful Dodger, wouldn't you my dear? Oliver Twist: Yes, if you teach me sir. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Fagin 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : We will, my dear, we will. Nancy: He'll blow on us Fagin, for certain. Mr. Bumble: Cry your hardest now, it opens the lungs, washes the countenance, exercises the eyes and softens down the temper. So cry away. Mr. Brownlow: Somehow I feel you and I are going to be good friends. Mr. Brownlow: How would you like to grow up a clever man and write books? Oliver Twist: I think I'd rather read them sir. Mr. Brownlow: What, don't you want to be a book writer? Oliver Twist: I think I'd rather be a bookseller sir. Oliver Twist: I don't know them, I don't belong with them. Bill Sikes: There's light enough for what I've got to do. Mr. Brownlow: It only remains for me to tell you that neither of you will ever be employed in a position of trust again. Town Crier: [SPOILER] Murder! Brutal Murder! Nancy: Let him be or I'll put that mark on you that'll send me to the gallows before me time. Bill Sikes: Fair or not fair, give it 'ere you avaricious old skeleton. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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