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San Demetrio London

San Demetrio London (1944) 6.9

1944-02-21(英国)| 冒险| 英国
上映时间:1944-02-21(英国) 类型: 冒险
评分: 力荐


advertisement [Looking at deck gun] Deckhand: A gun is like a woman. You can't tell what it's like until you're in action. Then it's too late. [last lines] Mr. Justice Langton: It is right and proper, and a part of my duty which I shall gladly discharge, to recognise to the full the courage, devotion and sacrifice of each of these men. I should not like to leave this case without thanking everybody concerned for having given me the best working day of my life, in listening to the very modest recital of some gallant gentlemen concerning a memorable achievement.

San Demetrio London

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