Commandos Strike at Dawn (1943)

  • 美国
Commandos Strike at Dawn
  • 片       名Commandos Strik...
  • 上映时间1942年12月30日(美国)
  • 导       演 约翰·法罗


  • advertisement EriK Toresen: [joking to friends] Go on, wash your necks! Mrs. Korstad: [advising her daughter-in-law at her wedding reception] Do not permit yourself to get fat. Fat has ruined more marriages than actresses and pretty widows. Johan Garme: The herring will run, Germans or no Germans. Hilma Arnesen: A dry punch bowl is against nature. Schoolteacher: [watching a Nazi bookburning] I'm writing a novel myself. I'd be very disappointed if you gentlemen don't burn it. Mrs. Bergesen: [about the Nazis] They steal blankets, pots, pans, food, everything! They kidnap your husband! A great nation? Conquerors? THEIVES - that's what they are! They ought to be handled in a police court! EriK Toresen: Finally, Mrs. Bergesen, a police court will be set up and the traffic will be enormous. EriK Toresen: ...I've lived a quiet life. The Germans have not lived quiet lives. We must learn from them how to become gangsters, thugs, useful with knife, dynamite, poison! EriK Toresen: Bergesen was right. Nobody, no civilized human being can know how bad they are! Adm. Bowen: You know, Harper's decent, but being an intelligence officer destroys all faith in human nature. EriK Toresen: It's hard for me to talk. Our people, as you know, are not demonstrative, but we don't forget our friends nor our enemies. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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