渡过黑暗 (1941)

  • 美国
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  • 动作  喜剧
  • 片       名渡过黑暗
  • 上映时间1941年12月02日
  • 导       演 文森特·舒曼
  • 剧       情


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  • Barney 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Say, chief, can't I get away just long enough to give my girl a quick hello? Alfred "Gloves" Donahue: No, stick around, will ya? Starchie: What are you so nervous about? She'll keep! Barney: That's what you think. I can't take a chance. The fleet's in and she's defense-minded! Barney: Hello officer. Cop: This your cab? Barney: Yes, sir. Cop: Better move it outta' here before somebody takes it away from ya'. Barney: I'm waiting for a fare. Cop: Hang around. You'll get one. Ain't a night goes by that we don't drag a stiff or two out of the river. Alfred "Gloves" Donahue: Say, there's more here than meets the FBI. Alfred "Gloves" Donahue: I start out the evening with a nice poker game in view and wind up in Central Park playing Cowboys and Indians. Now I don't know where I am. How about that! Me, in the middle of New York City, lost in the woods. [Gloves and Ebbing are in a boat filled with explosives] Franz Ebbing: You're not afraid to die, are you? Alfred "Gloves" Donahue: I don't mind dying, but I hate to be divided up into small pieces. Barney: That friend of yours; how is he? Sunshine: Fine! He's dead. [Gloves and Sunshine, taken captive, are put in together] Gloves Donahue: That you, Sunshine? Sunshine: If it ain't, I've been doing a lot of suffering for the wrong party. [seeing wall maps at the spies' headquarters] Gloves Donahue: Principal airways... arterial highways... Sunshine: Looks like Public School I got expelled from there. [Sunshine knocks out a Nazi with an ax handle] Gloves Donahue: Very good. Joe DiMaggio couldn't have done better. Sunshine: I used to bat .320 at reform school. Gloves Donahue: Yeah, tracking down this Hamilton doll, I uncovered a nest of fifth columnists - fivers ? spies to you! Pepi was one of them, that's what Joe found out, and that'swhy Pepi knocked him off. Marty Callahan: Well, if that's on the level, what are you telling me for? Why don't you spill it to the cops? Gloves Donahue: I tried to, but no soap. Now listen, Marty, I know you're no mental giant, but try to juggle this... all of you. I got a firsthand report tonight on what it's like on the other side, from that Hamilton babe. And brother, I'm telling you, we gotta watch our steps. Those babies are strictly no good from way down deep. They're no bunch of petty racketeers trying to muscle in on some small territory - they want to move in wholesale, take over the whole country. Marty Callahan: So what? It don't make no difference to me who runs the country, as long as they stay out of my way. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Gloves Donahue 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : That's just it, they're not going to stay out of your way. Marty Callahan: Oh, yes, they will. Gloves Donahue: Oh, now listen, big shot, they'll tell you what time you get up in the morning and what time you go to bed at night. They'll tell you what you eat, what kind of clothes you can wear, what you drink. They'll even tell you the morning paper you can read. Marty Callahan: They can't do that, it's against the law! [to reporters] Leda Hamilton: Well, I... I feel a little like the princess who has been rescued from the dragon by the white knight. Reporter: Oh, that's you, Gloves! You're the white knight! [laughter] Gloves Donahue: Wait a minute, wait a minute! Anybody that prints that can expect the usual trouble. [laughter] Reporter: What else? Go ahead. Leda Hamilton: Well, I also feel it's about time someone knocked the axis back on its heels. Gloves Donahue: Excuse me, baby. What she means is, it's about time somebody knocked those heels back on their axis! Leda Hamilton: [to reporters] Well, I also feel it's about time someone knocked the Axis back on its heels. Alfred "Gloves" Donahue: Excuse me, Baby. What she means it's about time someone knocked those heels back on their axis. Alfred "Gloves" Donahue: [to the waiter] When I order cheesecake, I don't expect to get mucilage! Alfred "Gloves" Donahue: Do you remember anything else from your youth? Sunshine: Yeah, but they gave me three years to forget. Sunshine: Nice cheerful little neighborhood. My friend got his skull crushed down here last week. Barney: For what? Sunshine: For nuthin'! Starchie: The first one of those guys I tag, I'm gonna kick'm right in the swastika. Police Lieutenant Forbes: [Eating a sandwich] I don't grasp it. Maybe I'm not big enough mentally. Alfred "Gloves" Donahue: Listen, if you don't stop munchin' that sandwich and throw that feeble brain of yours into high gear, those guys are gonna hi-jack the Statue of Liberty. C'mon, Forbes, I'll show ya da hideout. Police Lieutenant Forbes: Okay, I'm no prude. I'd like to see this den of boogeymen. [to other police as he is walking out of the office] Police Lieutenant Forbes: Now don't let anyone take that sandwich... [Pointing to his sergeant] Police Lieutenant Forbes: and that goes for you too! Madame, at Continental Art Gallery: [to Leda] I not only dislike you; I distrust you. Barney: I wish I was on 42nd Street. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Sunshine 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Why 42nd Street? Barney: So I could catch the subway home. Franz Ebbing: You realize you will never get out of here. Every entrance is guarded. Alfred "Gloves" Donahue: Aaah, don't try that line on me, Jack. This is Broadway, not Berlin! Franz Ebbing: It's a great pity, Mr. Donahue, that you and I should oppose each other. We have so much in common. Alfred "Gloves" Donahue: Yeah? How's that? Franz Ebbing: You are a man of action. You take what you want, and so do we. You have no respect for democracy - neither do we. It's clear we should be allies. Alfred "Gloves" Donahue: It's clear you are screwy. I've been a refistered Democrat ever since I could vote. I may not be Model Citizen Number One, but I pay my taxes, wait for traffic lights, and buy 24 tickets to the Policeman's Ball. Brother, don't get me mixed up in no league that rubs out innocent bakers and... [Shoots an alarm buzzer thar Ebbing was about to push] Franz Ebbing: [Taken aback by the accuracy of the shot] Excellent! Did you learn that in one of your gang wars? Alfred "Gloves" Donahue: No, that's a little trick I picked up in Benny's Shootin' Gallery in Coney Island, and if you don't quit stallin', I'll show you some other tricks I learned in Brooklyn. [on viewing portrait of Hitler] Alfred "Gloves" Donahue: I recognize the face, but I don't know where to put it. Sunshine: Shut up, the guy's dead. Barney: Well, I'm reasonably sorry. Leda Hamilton: If you only had kept out of this. You've messed up everything. Alfred "Gloves" Donahue: I'm ashamed of myself. Alfred "Gloves" Donahue: You're like a bad penny. Alfred "Gloves" Donahue: Any message? Barney: Should I leave out the curse words? Alfred "Gloves" Donahue: Yeah. Barney: No message. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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