化石森林 (1936)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 犯罪  爱情
  • 片       名化石森林
  • 上映时间1936年02月06日(美国)
  • 导       演 Archie May...


  • Gramp Maple: But let me tell you one thing, Mr. Squier. The woman don't live or ever did live that's worth five thousand dollars! Alan Squier: Well, let me tell you something. You're a forgetful old fool. Any woman's worth everything that any man has to give: anguish, ecstasy, faith, jealousy, love, hatred, life or death. Don't you see that's the whole excuse for our existence? It's what makes the whole thing possible and tolerable. Alan Squier: The trouble with me, Gabrielle, is I, I belong to a vanishing race. I'm one of the intellectuals. Gabrielle Maple: That, that means you've got brains! Alan Squier: Hmmm. Yes. Brains without purpose. Noise without sound, shape without substance. Gabrielle Maple: Petrified forest is a lot of dead trees in the desert that have turned to stone. Here's a good specimen. Alan Squier: So that was once a tree? Hmmm. Petrified forest, eh? Suitable haven for me. Well, perhaps that's what I'm destined to become, an interesting fossil for future study. Alan Squier: Let there be killing. All this evening I've had a feeling of destiny closing in. [Talking about signing his $5,00 life insurance policy over to Gabby] Mrs. Edith Chisholm: You're in love with her, aren't you? Alan Squier: Yes, I suppose I am. And not unreasonably. She has heroic stuff in her. She may be one of the immortal women of France. Another Joan of Arc, George Sand, Madame Curie, or Du Barry. I want to show her that I believe in her, and how else can I do it? Living, I'm worth nothing to her. Dead, I can buy her the tallest cathedrals, golden vineyards, and dancing in the streets. One well-directed bullet will accomplish all that, and it'll earn a measure of reflected glory for him that fired it and him that stopped it. This document will be my ticket to immortality. It'll inspire people to say of me, "There was an artist who died before his time." Will you do it, Duke? Duke Mantee: I'll be glad to. Jackie Cooper: Now, just behave yourself and nobody'll get hurt. This is Duke Mantee, the world-famous killer, and he's hungry! Duke Mantee: Maybe you're right, pal. Alan Squier: Oh, I'm eternally right. But what good does it do me? Alan Squier: What's your story, Duke? What's your life been like? Duke Mantee: You know the story. Most of my life in jail; the rest of it dead! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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