画航璇宫 (1936)

  • 美国
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  • 经典
  • 片       名画航璇宫
  • 上映时间1936年05月14日
  • 导       演 詹姆斯·怀勒
  • 剧       情
  • 获       奖


  • Mother: Did you understand the moral of the play, my dear? Little Girl: Oh,sure, ma. Did you see how he kissed her? Mother: Yes! I hardly thought that was in the best of taste! Joe: [singing] I gits weary / An' sick o' tryin' / I'm tired o' livin' / An' scared o' dyin' / But Ol' Man River / He jes' keeps rollin' along! Steve: You wouldn't call a man a white man that had Negro blood in him, would you? The Sheriff: No, I wouldn't; not in Mississippi. One drop of Negro blood makes you a Negro in these parts! Joe: I just shell them peas. Queenie: You ain't pickin' them up. Joe: No, but I could've if you didn't. I could do a lotta things if it was necessary. Queenie: Then why don't you? Joe: It ain't necessary. Parthy: I could say that my name was Bonaparte, and show you Napoleon's tomb; that wouldn't make him my grandfather would it? Backwoodsman: Seein' as how this is the first show we ever seed, you better give me and my friend Zebe here the best two seats in the the-ay-ter. Frank: But this is Confederate money! Backwoodsman: That's the kind they use in the hills, it's as good as yours, ain't it? Frank: But this quarter - it don't ring! Backwoodsman: Whaddaya want for two bits - sleigh bells? Magnolia: I never complained. I've lived like this half the time - washing clothes, cooking food over a gas jet, but I loved him. And if all that came with him, I was willing to take care of it. I thought he knew that. Julie: (singing) Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly, I gotta love one man till I die, Can't help lovin' dat man of mine. Julie: [singing] Oh, I can't explain. It's surely not his brain That makes me thrill. I love him Because he's - I don't know... Because he's just my Bill! Julie: [to Magnolia] Once a girl like you starts to love a man, she don't stop so easy. Magnolia: Well, couldn't you stop loving Steve if he treated you mean? Julie: No, honey, no matter what he did. Sam, Doorman at Trocadero: [referring to the idea of keeping an eye on Julie] Say, I'm a doorman, not a nursemaid! Parthy: We don't usually pick up actors off the wharves, but we can't be choosy right now! Gaylord Ravenal: Madam, your courtesy is only exceeded by your charm. Jim Green: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Julie, let's hear the new song, will you? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Julie: [half-drunk] I don't feel like singin'. Jim Green: Oh, don't you? What DO you feel like doing, Duchess? Julie: I feel like going off on a tear! Pete: [showing Julie's picture to the Sheriff] See that? The Sheriff: Why that's Miss Julie LaVerne, ain't it? Pete: Yeah, that's what she calls herself, ever since she got married to a white man! The Sheriff: What d'ya mean? Pete: Frank, come over here; I want you to hear this. You too, Ellie. The Sheriff: Sit down and explain yourself. And you make sure you know what you're talkin' about. [Parthy has just gone to bed, and Cap'n Andy is flirting with three chorus girls in a hotel lobby] Chorus Girl: Pops, who was that? Cap'n Andy Hawks: That was Parthenia, my wife. Chorus Girl: Oh, my mistake! Cap'n Andy Hawks: No... mine! Gaylord Ravenal: [saying farewell to Kim before he deserts her and Magnolia] And when I'm gone, you'll think of me, won't you? Kim as a child: Of course I will. And when you're gone, I always do what you tell me. Gaylord Ravenal: What was that? Kim as a child: Don't you remember? Make-believe! Gaylord Ravenal: [touched and on the verge of tears] That's right. I gave you a system for having everything you want. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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