Dracula's Daughter (1936)

  • 美国
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  • 恐怖
Dracula's Daughter
  • 片       名Dracula's Daugh...
  • 上映时间1936年05月11日(美国)
  • 导       演 Lambert Hi...


  • Countess Marya Zaleska: Sandor, look at me. What do you see in my eyes? Sandor: Death. Lady Esme Hammond: Sherry, Marya? Countess Marya Zaleska: Thank you, I never drink... wine. Dr. Garth: You know, this is the first woman's flat I've been in that didn't have at least 20 mirrors in it. [on the phone] Dr. Garth: Yes? Dr.Garth speaking. Well who is this? What do you want? [In a false German accent] Janet Blake: Please come right away.This is the zoo speaking. Dr. Garth: The what? The zoo? Janet Blake: Ja! One of our elephants is seeing pink men! Dr. Garth: All right.Now listen to me,Janet,this has gone far enough! Well,there's nothing funny about it!I'm in the midst of a very serious... [Janet hangs up and laughs] Dr. Garth: HELLO? [Hangs up] constable #1: [comes out of Dracula's castle] Some man is in there with a stake through his heart. constable #2: Scary. constable #1: [looks at Van Helsing] You know anything about this? Prof. Von Helsing: Yes, I did. constable #1: Who is he in there? Prof. Von Helsing: His name's Count Dracula. constable #1: How long has he been dead? Prof. Von Helsing: About 500 years. constable #1: [comes out of Dracula's castle] Some man is in there with a stake through his heart. constable #2: Scary. constable #1: [looks at Van Helsing] You know anything about this? Prof. Von Helsing: Yes, I did it. constable #1: Who is he in there? Prof. Von Helsing: His name's Count Dracula. constable #1: How long has he been dead? Prof. Von Helsing: About 500 years. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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