Going to the Mat (2004)

  • 美国
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  • 家庭
  • 片       名Going to the Ma...
  • 上映时间2004年03月19日(美国)
  • 导       演 Stuart Gil...


  • Jace: This is the first conversation we've had that hasn't ended up being all about me. Mary Beth: So? Jace: So... why am I such a selfish jerk? Mary Beth: Selfish jerk? That's a little harsh. Jace: No, seriously, Marh Beth... why would you ever wanna hang out with me? Mary Beth: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Because, you don't care that I look like a hideous mutant she-beast. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Jace: [smiles] That's not true. Mary Beth: How would you know? [Jace leans over and gently strokes runs his fingers over her face] Jace: Because somebody like you would have to have a face that matches her heart. John Lambrix: "Hey, Newfield. Why aren't you out there playing for the home team? Jace: Oh, I was going to but my seeing eye dog kept pawing everyone's helmets off. HAHA! John Lambrix: You're a funny guy. Jace Newfield: Yeah, I don't see you laughing. Oh wait, you're the one who's supposed to be making all the lame blind jokes. [Fly rides his bike into Jace's yard] Vincent Fly Shue: How you doing? Jace: What's up? Vincent Fly Shue: You moving in? Jace: That's the rumor. Name's Jace. Vincent Fly Shue: Vince. [shakes Jace's hand, then waves the other in front of Jace's face] Jace: [grabs his arm] What are you doing? Vincent Fly Shue: I was... testing. You're, uh... Jace: [smirks] You can call me Daredevil. Vincent Fly Shue: But how'd you know my hand was there? Jace: Facial vision. It has to do with vibrations in the air. I can tell where people are when they move. Vincent Fly Shue: [moves around] Like bat radar, huh? Jace: Just one of my many superpowers. Mary Beth: [after Jace tries to kiss her good night] You don't want to do that. Jace: I don't? Mary Beth: Well, who do you want to be bugged at you more - my dad or your coach? Jace: Aren't they the same? Mary Beth: Exactly. Good night, Jace. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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