Abby Singer (2003)

  • 美国
  • 片       名Abby Singer
  • 上映时间2003年10月28日(美国)
  • 导       演 Ryan R. Wi...
  • 又       名Abby Singer
  • 编       剧 Ryan R. Wi...


  • Maxine: Where do you find your inspiration? Jodie Foster: Under my seat occasionally. Maybeline: [to Migule Arteta about Jake Gyllenhaal] Why don't you direct him to love me. Jake Gyllenhaal: Have some independent spirit, all right! Adam Carolla: I wouldn't say this on the radio but I'm gay actually. Dave Attell: There are no nice women in bars anymore, they're all dirty skanks. Gundealer: Curtis is looking to make an artistic statement with his suicide. Gundealer #3: Van Gogh would go with a Glock, ten-millimeter, caseless rounds, titanium action. Kevin's Father: Marriage is a cooperative... you suffer together: I want you to hurt like I do. Kevin's Father: We're all in crisis, any one of us could be divorced at any minute, married or not. Mr. Mooker: Did you get any nookie at lunch? No. I can tell from your attitude. Maxine Helms: So what's your favorite movie? Roger Ebert: Citizen Kane. Maxine Helms: That's playing here? Roger Ebert: No. Kevin Prouse: You ready to light the world up? Kevin's Father: Life is a clambake, and you my friend are allergic to clams. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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