Awara Paagal Deewana (2002)

  • 印度
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  • 动作  喜剧  犯罪
  • 片       名Awara Paagal De...
  • 上映时间2002年06月20日(印度)
  • 导       演 维克拉姆·布哈特


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  • : Hello... police... there is a dead body sleeping in the car near this... this bridge... my name... my name is… Manilal: Say, "Small umbrella, small umbrella." Guru Gulab Khatri: Where are you going? I'll give you a lift. Manilal: [stammering] What's the need of a lift? We live on the ground floor. Guru Gulab Khatri: What's in your pocket? Manilal: Nothing... that's nothing about you... I haven't written any letter about you... I'm not even going to the police. Yeda Anna: He turned out to be our that man. Dr. Anmol Acharya: What? Yeda Anna: That which has small, small children. Manilal: Dog. Yeda Anna: No, no. Now, what will children call him if they call their mother Mummy? Chhota Chhatri: Daddy. Yeda Anna: No, no. Guru Gulab Khatri: [irritated] Father. Yeda Anna: I will make cut you make you small like that thing. Chhota Chhatri: What thing? Yeda Anna: That thing that is long from front and long from back. Dr. Anmol Acharya: Limousine. Yeda Anna: No, man. That thing we eat with our teeth... that sweet thing. Chhota Chhatri: Sugar cane. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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