Peter Gunn (1989)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 犯罪
  • 片       名Peter Gunn
  • 上映时间1989年04月23日(美国)
  • 导       演 布莱克·爱德华兹


  • Peter Gunn: But if he was working for Amatti, why didn't he shoot Spiros?... If he was my fairy godmother, why didn't he shoot Spiros? Lieutenant Jacoby: What's Bernice doing in Crete, anyway? Peter Gunn: You'll have to ask Zorba. Lieutenant Jacoby: Who's Zorba? Peter Gunn: You'll have to ask Bernice. Peter Gunn: What's so special about jelly doughnuts? Lieutenant Jacoby: ...The jelly. Det. Russo: [Pointing to Maggie, who has passed out on the floor] Huh? Peter Gunn: My secretary. Det. Russo: I thought Bernice was? Peter Gunn: In Crete. Det. Russo: Who's she? Peter Gunn: My secretary. Maggie: Maggie. Det. Russo: What happened to Bernice? Rusty: In Crete. Peter Gunn: Visiting Zorba's parents. Peter Gunn: Let's see you sink the sixteen ball. Speck: There is no sixteen ball. Peter Gunn: [Hands Speck a Twenty] Well, if you run across one, keep in touch. [Immediately after a surprise shooting] Spiros: [to his gang] Is anybody still alive? Lieutenant Jacoby: You saw the shooters? Peter Gunn: No. Lieutenant Jacoby: Then how did you know they were working for Catulis? Peter Gunn: A natural assumption. Lieutenant Jacoby: You assumed? Peter Gunn: Yeah. Wouldn't you? Lieutenant Jacoby: Yeah. [Peter Gunn mocks his former partner's predictability] Peter Gunn},, Lieutenant Jacoby: [In unison] Where the hell have you been? Don't be a smart-ass. [Peter Gunn shoots a man down with his hands cuffed behind him] Lieutenant Jacoby: You couldn't do that again in a million years. Peter Gunn: Well, hopefully, I won't have to... 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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