Etter Rubicon (1987)

  • 挪威
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  • 惊悚
  • 片       名Etter Rubicon
  • 上映时间1987年09月10日(挪威)
  • 导       演 Leidulv Ri...


  • Jon Hoff: No heart-surgery while I'm gone, Mona! Thorvald Hoff: The Lord Takes, But what does he gives back? Jon Hoff: It wasn't Him this time. Carl Berntsen: [Jon wounded in hospital hand-cuffed to bed, Berntsen questioning him] What the Hell are you doing? You were told to stay away! Jon Hoff: What has Maria? Carl Berntsen: She is dead! Burned in her house. Where's your father? Jon Hoff: You are a quisling....,Berntsen.... [quisling = traitor] Carl Berntsen: [Berntsen leaves the room, and talks to Mona. Then Mona gives Jon a shot of sedative. Berntsen enters the room again, and un-lock the hand-cuffs] Fuck you. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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