鹰冠庄园 (1981)

  • 美国


  • advertisement Richard Channing Denault: If you're going to shoot... shoot, but don't talk me to death. Garth: Your office was completely destroyed. Richard Channing Denault: Well at least I won't have to go to work today. I hated that damn wallpaper anyway. Lance Cumson: You've destroyed our entire way of life. Richard Channing Denault: Well, I can only hope. Chase Gioberti: The waiter suggests the Mako... that's shark. Richard Channing Denault: Oh, I never eat shark. Call it professional courtesy. Richard Channing Denault: Don't buy a new hat because I'm going to tear your head off! Richard Channing Denault: I don't want him setting foot in this house unless he's buried in the basement! Richard Channing Denault: Sorry I had to be nice to you. Angela Channing: I may never recover. Richard Channing Denault: Are you comfortable Angela? Can I get you anything? Maybe you'd like an arsenic on the rocks. Richard Channing Denault: She and nothing else around here will ever be the same again! Richard Channing Denault: Angela declared war on me before I even set foot in this valley. I'll tell you what I want. I want her head, and Chase's along side it! Angela Channing: [discussing Richard with Father Bob] How can I love the baby I lost and hate the man he's become? Angela Channing: [sees Richard and Maggie kissing at Chase's memorial service] How sweet. Sharing your memories of Chase? Angela Channing: [barging into Richard's office] Don't you ever read your rag? Richard Channing Denault: Don't you ever knock? Maggie Gioberti: I want to apologize, I'm just not quite sure how to do it... Richard Channing Denault: What's wrong with 'I'm sorry'? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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