The Chronicles of Holly-Weird (2009)

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  • advertisement Jazz: You are so gonna get fired. Holly: I'm not gonna get fired, I'm a loose canon and they know it. Jazz: You got the loose part right. Holly: Come on, they loved it, didn't you see the regurgitation all over YouTube this morning? Jazz: Soooo fired. Holly: Well, I'll senda ya a postcard from the unemployment line. Daniel: Do you want me to fire you? Holly: Not today... it's Friday, it would ruin my weekend. Daniel: Holly, when you're good you're the best but when you're bad you're a walking lawsuit. Holly: Hey I'm great for ratings... okay, okay... you win, happy? Daniel: No, not happy. Holly: Alright, how about I cross my heart and hope to die, and really I AM hoping. Holly: Okay, you've gotta go... I don't do sleepovers. Austin: It's not a sleepover. We just had a deep connection. Holly: Yeah, for about two minutes. Austin: It was longer than two minutes. Holly: Don't kid yourself minutes man, but hey it WAs entertaining. Ummm, I've gotta pee so could you um lock the door on the way out? I'll call you. Austin: But... Jazz: Crack whore. Holly: Bitch. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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