
缺席的人 (2001) 6.7

The Man Who Wasn't There 更多片名>

2001-11-02(美国)| 犯罪 剧情| 美国 英国
上映时间:2001-11-02(美国) 类型: 犯罪 剧情
国家/地区:美国 英国 
制作/发行:Good Machine / 康斯坦丁影业公司 [德国]
获奖信息:奥斯卡金像奖(2002年第74届) 获奖:1  提名:7
评分: 力荐







They got this guy, in Germany. Fritz Something-or-other. Or is it? Maybe it's Werner. Anyway, he's got this theory, you wanna test something, you know, scientifically - how the planets go round the sun, what sunspots are made of, why the water comes out of the tap - well, you gotta look at it. But sometimes you look at it, your looking changes it. Ya can't know the reality of what happened, or what would've happened if you hadn't-a stuck in your own goddamn schnozz. So there is no "what happened"? Not in any sense that we can grasp, with our puny minds. Because our minds... our minds get in the way. Looking at something changes it. They call it the "Uncertainty Principle". Sure, it sounds screwy, but even Einstein says the guy's on to something.

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Ed Crane:

He told them to look not at the facts, but at the meaning of the facts. Then he said the facts had no meaning.

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[voiceover narration, referring to his lawyer's courtroom speech]


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