"Water Rats" (1996)

  • 澳大利亚
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  • 动作  犯罪  灾难
  • 片       名"Water Rats...
  • 上映时间1996年02月12日(澳大利亚)
  • 导       演 Mark PiperChris Mart...
  • 又       名"Water Rats"


  • advertisement Det. Sr. Constable Rachel 'Goldie' Goldstein: Did you know Helen was gay? Det. Sr. Constable Frank Holloway: Yeah, I thought everyone knew. Det. Sr. Constable Rachel 'Goldie' Goldstein: Oh. Sr. Sgt. Helen Blakemore: [looking at a photo] Men's locker room. What is that thing stuck up is bum? Det. Sr. Constable Frank Holloway: [Uneasily] My toothbrush... Det. Sr. Constable Rachel 'Goldie' Goldstein: We need... something... Det. Sr. Constable Frank Holloway: We need lunch! Chief Inspector Clarke Webb: Look, I don't think Frank'd appreciate having his sick leave interrupted... Det. Sr. Constable Rachel 'Goldie' Goldstein: Oh, Frank loves this place! Sr. Sgt. Helen Blakemore: You know, for the rest of my working life, there'll be uniforms who think I'm nothing but a corrupt dyke, but gee, I didn't expect it from you, Frank. Det Sgt Jack Christey: I mean, you know, it's a simple request. I ask them to find a yacht in Sydney Harbour and they can't do it. I mean, how hard is that? A yacht is a very, very large object. [as he walks away, Tommy mutters] Sr. Constable Tommy Tavita: Yeah, there are tens of thousands of them on the Harbour you moron. Det. Sr. Constable Frank Holloway: Can I have the car keys? Det. Sr. Constable Rachel 'Goldie' Goldstein: No, I'm driving. Det. Sr. Constable Frank Holloway: I can drive! Sr. Sgt. Helen Blakemore: I just got my bum kicked, and when I get my bum kicked, I feel the need to kick other people's bums - especially the bums that got mine kicked in the first place. The paperwork, sweetheart. Det. Sr. Constable Rachel 'Goldie' Goldstein: I'm driving. Sr. Sgt. Helen Blakemore: Oh, surprise, surprise. Det. Sr. Constable Rachel 'Goldie' Goldstein: What do you think they'll do? Move Michael on maybe? Get someone who wants a cushy pre-retirement job? Det. Sr. Constable Frank Holloway: The bloke will be in for a bit of a shock. Det. Sr. Constable Rachel 'Goldie' Goldstein: Yeah, I'll tell ya ... I suppose one of us could leave. Let the other one ... Det. Sr. Constable Frank Holloway: That's a great idea. I'll toss you for it ... Heads you go, tails I stay. [flips coin] Det. Sr. Constable Frank Holloway: Oh, heads it is! Det. Sr. Constable Rachel 'Goldie' Goldstein: Hang on, I didn't see it. Det. Sr. Constable Frank Holloway: Yeah, double-headed coin! ... Nah, to hell with it Rachel. We'll both stay. It's not our problem. Det. Sr. Constable Rachel 'Goldie' Goldstein: Yaggadiyaggadiyaggadiblablabla. Sr. Sgt. Helen Blakemore: If the perfect woman came along, I'd move in with her like a shot! Det. Sr. Constable Rachel 'Goldie' Goldstein: You know what I kept thinking when I was in the trunk of that car? Why'd I have to take that stupid mobile phone to the restaurant? Det. Sr. Constable Frank Holloway: Actually, I kept thinking about the time you were away, you know after Knocker ... that replacement of yours didn't want to drive, I didn't want to drive, they refused to drive - it was a bit of a nightmare. Anyway, I better shove off. Det. Sr. Constable Rachel 'Goldie' Goldstein: Don't go. Stay with me. Det. Sr. Constable Frank Holloway: If you want me to. Sgt. Dave McCall: The people you meet when you haven't got a gun. Sr. Sgt. Helen Blakemore: What did you think? Det Sgt Jack Christey: [thinking of breasts] They were big. Sr. Sgt. Helen Blakemore: I was talking about the fall. Det. Sr. Constable Rachel 'Goldie' Goldstein: [after a night of heavy drinking] Hey would you drive today? Det. Sr. Constable Frank Holloway: Me? Drive? Det. Sr. Constable Frank Holloway: Is there a big pond outside or something? I'm with the Water Police. Why am I here? In fact, what are you doing here? Det. Sr. Constable Frank Holloway: Rachel, you should go back to the office. You shouldn't be sticking your neck out like this. Det. Sr. Constable Rachel 'Goldie' Goldstein: Listen, mate. I have stuck my neck out so far for you, I'm surprised it's still on! Det. Sr. Constable Rachel 'Goldie' Goldstein: [Michael wants Rachel to go undercover with him at a swingers party] What, you're joking? Hawker went for it? Det Snr Cst Michael Reilly: Well, if it's a problem, I'm sure I could get Suzi to wear a wire, and she'll come with me, but I'd prefer it if you did. Det. Sr. Constable Rachel 'Goldie' Goldstein: Look, let's just get one this straight alright Michael? I am not taking my clothes off for anyone, alright? Det Snr Cst Michael Reilly: Trust me. Det. Sr. Constable Rachel 'Goldie' Goldstein: Why? Det Snr Cst Michael Reilly: Because I need you there. Sr. Sgt. Helen Blakemore: Right, you all set then? ... Okay you'll have Jack and McCall standing by on the Harpy, and the Nemesis for backup should you need it. Cst Tayler Johnson: We'll be there to protect your virtue Rachel. Det. Sr. Constable Rachel 'Goldie' Goldstein: All right, all right! Let's not get too excited everyone, okay? Sr. Sgt. Helen Blakemore: [Gavin is grinning] Think about something else, Gavin. Sr. Constable Gavin 'Sykesy' Sykes: Right ... Det Sgt Jack Christey: Your ex-husband was a lawyer, wasn't he? Det. Sr. Constable Rachel 'Goldie' Goldstein: Yeah, he was. Det Sgt Jack Christey: Remind me never to get involved with you. Det. Sr. Constable Rachel 'Goldie' Goldstein: Ah too late! You're hooked! You're hooked on! Det Sgt Jack Christey: Plenty more fish in the sea. Det. Sr. Constable Rachel 'Goldie' Goldstein: Ah right. Det Sgt Jack Christey: Plenty, plenty! Det. Sr. Constable Rachel 'Goldie' Goldstein: Big wide ocean out there! Det. Sr. Constable Rachel 'Goldie' Goldstein: You guys get all that gear on to go in a swimming pool? Lindsay: Well, we are in the deep end! Sr. Sgt. Helen Blakemore: [Jack has a search warrant] How did he get a search warrant? Det. Sr. Constable Rachel 'Goldie' Goldstein: He's a charmer, you know. Sr. Sgt. Helen Blakemore: Well, he doesn't look it. Det. Sr. Constable Rachel 'Goldie' Goldstein: I know, but he is. Sr. Sgt. Helen Blakemore: [Jack continues to talk] Oh, shut up! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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