勇士们(台) (1962)

  • 美国
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  • 动作  战争


  • advertisement Braddock: Don't just stand there sucking on a prune pit, get these men some water! Sgt. Chip Saunders: [a typical "pep talk" to his squad] ... All right, just knock it off. YOU KNOCK IT OFF! You people make me sick. Go on, look at yourselves. You call yourselves a squad? You're a bunch of GOOF-UPS! Littlejohn, you cause nothing but trouble! You mind everybody's business except your own. From now on, you mind your OWN business and you FOLLOW ORDERS! Kirby - KIRBY! You're a hot-headed show-off who thinks of himself first and everybody else second. You fly off the handle every time you turn around! Cooling your heels off in some stockade may be exactly what you need, so you'd just better SHAPE UP! Now I've had it. I HAVE HAD IT! This squad's gonna shape up! You've been on the front so long, you're forgetting you're soldiers! I'm sick of...! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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