
  • advertisement [on board a badly shot up HMNZS Achilles] Gunnery Officer: Captain, sir. Capt. Parry, HMNZS Achilles: Yes, guns? Gunnery Officer: We've fired nearly 1200 rounds sir. About one third of the arsenal only remaining. Capt. Parry, HMNZS Achilles: Thank you. Are you all right? Gunnery Officer: A few new ventilation gaps here, sir. A bit draughty, but otherwise all right. [Capt. Parry turns to look at gunnery control position full of shell holes] Captain Langsdorff 'Admiral Graff Spee': [to Captain Dove] Every commander is alone, Captain. Captain McCall - R.N., British Naval Attache for Buenos Aires: [McCall is telephoning the British Ambassador in Buenos Aires to try to spread a rumour] An emergency has arisen over the 'Graf Spee'. British Ambassador in Buenos Aires (Voice): Careful, McCall - security. Captain McCall - R.N., British Naval Attache for Buenos Aires: I know, sir, but this is most urgent. I have just heard by Admiralty code... British Ambassador in Buenos Aires (Voice): This isn't a scrambler, you know. Captain McCall - R.N., British Naval Attache for Buenos Aires: ...that two of our capital ships... British Ambassador in Buenos Aires (Voice): Are you MAD, McCall? I'm going to hang up! Captain McCall - R.N., British Naval Attache for Buenos Aires: Sir, I must insist - in this case urgency overrides security. British Ambassador in Buenos Aires (Voice): 'Urgency overrides security?' Well, well, well, go on, go on. Captain McCall - R.N., British Naval Attache for Buenos Aires: Both these capital ships will be calling in the next few hours at Bahia... British Ambassador in Buenos Aires (Voice): I told you before, this is not a scrambler! Captain McCall - R.N., British Naval Attache for Buenos Aires: ...at Bahia Blanca to refuel. British Ambassador in Buenos Aires (Voice): MCCALL! Mr. Millington Drake - British Minister, Montevideo: [Groans] Oh... Captain McCall - R.N., British Naval Attache for Buenos Aires: They'll be down to their last drop when they arrive. British Ambassador in Buenos Aires (Voice): Stop it, stop it! Captain McCall - R.N., British Naval Attache for Buenos Aires: They... they've steamed at full speed for the Plate for obvious reasons... British Ambassador in Buenos Aires (Voice): Fellow's raving mad. Captain McCall - R.N., British Naval Attache for Buenos Aires: They request that we arrange for 2,000 tons of fuel oil... British Ambassador in Buenos Aires (Voice): Really McCall, YOU MUST STOP! Captain McCall - R.N., British Naval Attache for Buenos Aires: ...of fuel oil to be available in tankers as from tonight. British Ambassador in Buenos Aires (Voice): [Silence, as Ambassador realises what McCall is doing] Oh... very well, McCall. Yes, we got your message. [Hangs up] Ray Martin: The afternoon papers'll be out soon. Knowing how leaky the telephone cables are between here and Buenos Aires, I shall expect to see the headlines screaming that half the British fleet are off Punta del Este. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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