死神有约:死后的生活 (2009)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 喜剧  奇幻
  • 片       名死神有约:死后的生活
  • 上映时间2009年01月01日(加拿大)
  • 导       演 斯蒂芬·赫瑞克
  • 又       名死神有约:死后的生活 死神有约电影版 Dead Like...
  • 编       剧 Stephen Go...John Masiu...


  • advertisement Reggie Lass: Just because you're dead doesn't mean that I can't move in with you. George Lass: And just because I'm dead doesn't mean I can't have a splitting headache. Daisy Adair: I'm returning to the theatre. George Lass: Returning? I thought you only did movies. Daisy Adair: What's the difference? George Lass: A life audience. George Lass: I am so fucked Daisy Adair: Where the hell is Rube? I need my coffee. Roxy Harvey: People, this is hallowed ground. Show some respect. Mason: I'm showing respect. Auf Wiedersehen, der Waffle Haus. Daisy Adair: [Puts hand on chest] Fond farewell to a shitty, little restaurant. Mason: Which didn't extend me any more credit, [Holds middle finger up] Mason: so fuck you! Delores Herbig: It's amazing how such a small creature could fit into something so big! George Lass: Well, Murray had a big heart. George Lass: [Thinking] And Cameron was a big ass. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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