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- 片 名幻影
- 上映时间2007年06月07日(美国)
- 导 演
David Cross
饰Larry Schwart...
Shannon Elizabeth
Mike Epps
饰Reggie Marsha...
Dennis Farina
饰L.B.J. Deuce ...
Judy Greer
饰Sharon Andrew...
Woody Harrelson
饰One Eyed Jack...
Estelle Harris
饰Ruth 'Nana' M...
Werner Herzog
饰The German
Cheryl Hines
饰Lainie Schwar...
Gabe Kaplan
饰Seth Schwartz...
Richard Kind
饰Andy Andrews
Michael McKean
饰Billionaire S...
Harold Melvin:
It is apparent that you have no concept of pot odds. There are a number of books available in the gift shop that explain it quite thoroughly. Also, you have corn in your teeth.
Harold Melvin:
Maintain a perimeter, Ruth.
Billionaire Steve Lavisch:
[gesturing to an architectural model of a casino hotel] Guess how many rooms.
One Eyed Jack Faro:
How many . . .
Billionaire Steve Lavisch:
Wild guess. How many rooms?
One Eyed Jack Faro:
Three thousand?
Billionaire Steve Lavisch:
I knew you'd be wrong.
Billionaire Steve Lavisch:
I myself despise nostalgia, because it's so old.
Harold Melvin:
You should have gone all in three hours ago when your stack still meant something.
Harold Melvin:
I was a two-to-one underdog, and the pot paid me 11 to Not a bad risk return ratio. You played poorly.
Harold Melvin:
It's so stupid that you don't use more efficient cooking utensils.
Harold Melvin:
I have lived with my mother since I was born. I live with her because it is convenient and because it is difficult for me to take care of myself. I will probably be stuck with her for the rest of my life. Or the rest of her life. Because she's much older than me, she will die first.
Harold Melvin:
Ruth, if I were a food critic, I would give your cooking five stars -- five stars that had each collapsed into a black hole and merged to form the largest black hole in the universe.
Larry Schwartzman:
I can psych the shit out of people. I don't need cards to beat you. I can literally have no cards, and I would still beat you. You think that's not playing fairly, or that's not the way a gentleman plays? I would fight you over that.
Phil Gordon:
I'm Phil Gordon, and joining me in the booth is Mike Werbe.
Mike Werbe:
And I'm Mike Werbe.
Harold Melvin:
I knew you only had one pair. Your bet on the river was as transparent as a cloaked Romulan Bird of Prey.
The German:
Harold Melvin:
It is apparent that you have no concept of pot odds. There are a number of books available in the gift shop that explain it quite thoroughly.
Larry Schwartzman:
If people played correctly, I would win every single hand, ever.
Seth Schwartzman:
I think if you tell one kid that you don't love him as much, believe me, that kid is gonna try harder.
Hotel Security Guard:
Sir, you're going to have to leave right now.
The German:
I can't find my bunny.
Harold Melvin:
[quoting Dune] It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.
Larry Schwartzman:
Is that Rush?
Phil Gordon:
I think that's a terrible mistake, Mike.
Mike Werbe:
He's coming from a different generation. Imagine if Abe Lincoln showed up with a stovepipe hat. The electric lights alone are gonna throw him off.
One Eyed Jack Faro:
Building his stack . . . !
Lainie Schwartzman:
Yeah, guess I just put that little brainiac fucker back in the game.
Harold Melvin:
You have the vocabulary of a drunken spice miner and the hairstyle of an Arrakeen whore.
Mike Werbe:
That's the end of the rainbow for this Cinderella story.
[Jack's dead grandfather appears wearing a heavy fur coat]
One Eyed Jack Faro:
Grandpa! Are you . . . are you . . .
'Lucky' Faro:
Yeah, Jack.
One Eyed Jack Faro:
Are you . . . warm . . . in that coat?
'Lucky' Faro:
No! I'm a ghost!
One Eyed Jack Faro:
Oh. So . . . because, we didn't bury you in that, I just wonder, did you get to pick your own outfit --
'Lucky' Faro:
Jack, I'm not here to give you a fucking seminar on the hereafter.
Renee Jensen:
Dad, can I just get my job back, and we can move on from this?
Billionaire Steve Lavisch:
Look, two things. First, you don't call me "Dad" unless it's Thanksgiving or your birthday.
Renee Jensen:
. . . my birthday. I know. What's the second thing?
Billionaire Steve Lavisch:
Thanksgiving . . . or your birthday. That's two.
One Eyed Jack Faro:
Yes, I did get thrown out of my own casino, I'm not sure how exactly that happened, but they do say that I gave the order.
One Eyed Jack Faro:
So I wanna keep the Rabbit's Foot. It's my dream and my passion, and I think.. I have to...
Billionaire Steve Lavisch:
As I listen to you, it occurs to me that maybe you're requesting something of me, and you should know I never answer requests in the positive. Ahh, it's just, it's just not what I do.
L.B.J. Deuce Fairbanks:
Will you take a look at all of this crap.
[Indicating the modern Las Vegas strip.]
L.B.J. Deuce Fairbanks:
Buried underneath all of this is a history; history of Las Vegas. It's the place where Moe Dalitz opened up his first burlesque club. Place where you can find a thirteen year old in a whorehouse if that was your pleasure. It was a place where the Jews and the blacks had to enter the casinos through rear entrances. By the way, on this corner right here, I stabbed a bum.
The German:
To feel alive and to get this energy, it is essential for me to kill something each day. It doesn't have to be a large animal. I squish an ant once in a while, or spiders, they come very easily. I've shot stray dogs. Goose.. is a very, very troublesome animal. I've had a goat. To strangle a goat, that makes you feel really alive.