
  • [from trailer] Larry: Dang, my hand hasn't been this sore since the first episode of Baywatch! Larry: [telling Madeleine to flee] You need to speed it up. I'm trying to execute a flawless ejaculation. Larry: What in tarnation? Omar: Get you fucking hands up! Larry: I should have known you was a Nazi! Omar: Nazi? You stupid inbred country hick retard! I'm Hezbollah! Larry: Then I guess this'll have to be settled 'mano e mano'. Get your dukes up! Sheriff Smoot: He's taken a hostage, calls her Buttercup, I don't know if it's his girlfriend or his horse. Larry: With Elmer it's the same thing. Larry: Having money isn't the same thing as having class you know. Madeleine: What are you doing with a possum in your glove box? Larry: You found Wally? Connie: Where's your warrant to bust in here? Agent Orange: I can answer that in two words, national security. Connie: I can answer back with two more words. Bull [pumps shotgun] Connie: shit! Larry: The only way they're going to go away is if you give up the key. Madeleine: Or if I'm dead... Larry: ...Yeah, I could kill you but then I'd have a lot of explaining to do. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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