Reel Zombies (2008)

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  • 动作  喜剧  恐怖
Reel Zombies
  • 又       名Reel Zombies
  • 编       剧 Mike Maste...


  • advertisement Andrew Fruman: Who are some of your influences? David J. Francis: You know, Dean Koontz. I mean, I read a couple books on screenwriting after I'd written my first script and it said you had to do this whole thing where you know you have like the lead up for the characters and development and I don't like to do that. I just like to sit down and first thing I do is I come up with a title for the movie. Like for Zombie Night 1, I just thought, hey, Zombie Night, that's a good title, so I wrote down the title. Andrew Fruman: Do you think maybe a bit of planning might help? David J. Francis: You can only plan so much, I mean, you gotta, if you wanna make a movie you make it. I mean you don't, you don't sit and talk about it and think about it. I mean, would Gone With the Wind have ever been made if all they did ever was talk about it. Maybe we should change this scene a little bit. Maybe, you know, maybe the kiss happens here. Andrew Fruman: Don't you think they did do that though? David J. Francis: Well, no, that's fine, you let the actors, uh, you know interpret it any way they want. I, I'm fine with that. That, that's a better way to do it I think. You know, let them create their own characters. I don't want to create who they're going to be, I want to create an idea of who they're going to be. Mike Masters: No, we didn't make a cool zombie. That *is* a cool zombie. That thing's for real. It will bite you. It will kill you. Mike Masters: A lot of people die for art, and it's art. This times it's gonna be like... a lot of people died to make another shitty zombie movie. Mike Masters: It's so funny, you start this kind of project off and you're like "it's gonna be so much better than the last one and we're gonna do all these things different" and you know what you can do them different, but you still do them equally bad. Like, we've just found new ways to make things shit. Sam Hall: This trilogy of movies, even for the years when we weren't working on it, somehow was sitting in the back of my brain like some kind of parasitic egg it was just slowly sucking out my ability to do anything. I blame this movie series for everything that's wrong with my life. Stephen Papadimitriou: Well, what about the time you got laid? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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