"The Sarah Silverman Program." (2007)

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"The Sarah Silverman Program."


  • advertisement Sarah Silverman: You car smells like farts! Sarah Silverman: I just tried to be like the others / But I pooped instead / I tried to join in with my brothers / I pooped instead / And I wish it never happened, that's what I wish / And I also wish so many things... Sarah Silverman: I wish every child had a mother / That's what I wish / I wish we could love one another / If I had one wish / And I wish all the nations belonged to one world / And I wish all religion was love. Sarah Silverman: And I wish the retarded... were re-smarted / That's what I wish. [fade to white] Black God: Hello, Sarah. Sarah Silverman: Are you God's black friend? Black God: Sarah, your song was so passionate, so selfless. It has risen above the sound of a billion prayers. I want you to pick one wish, and I will grant it. All you have to do is choose. [Sarah nods, fade to white] Steve: I heard brunch is an escape from ... [farts] All: Ew! Brian: See, I always thought it was more a matter of ... [farts] All: Gross! Sarah Silverman: You guys are both wrong. According to Newsweek, brunch comes from the Latin ... [farts] Sarah Silverman: Peggy... Does that bum you out 'cause your name rhymes with... Eggy. Like Egg. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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