
女男变错身 (2006) 6.0

It's a Boy Girl Thing 更多片名>

2006-12-26(英国)| 喜剧 爱情| 加拿大 英国
上映时间:2006-12-26(英国) 类型: 喜剧 爱情
国家/地区:加拿大 英国 
评分: 力荐

  伍迪和妮儿虽然住在彼此隔壁,又上同一所高中,但两人个性天差地别,彼此互看不顺眼,是不共戴天的死对头。   伍迪是西达高中足球队裡最闪亮的四分卫,他人长得帅、个性亲切大方、极富运动细胞又十足超人气,是学校裡的运动明星风云人物,眼看校友日足球友谊赛即将到来,伍迪非常期待能代表学校...更多>


Nell Bedworth: [Sitting on the toilet, in Woody's body] Oh my God, I have to touch it! Woody:


[Waking up in Nell's body]


Oh my God! I have tits! I have tits! Woody: [Looking at boy next to him, in the mens urinals] Nice Penis. Breanna: [after Woody, in Nell's body, consents to having her bush shaved] Okay girls, we have a green light on the Brazilian Wax! Woody: We just have to let everything fall back into place. Woody: You look like a prostitute Nell Bedworth: Damn...i was going for high class hooker Nell Bedworth: the bard was a bender? Whould've thought? Nell Bedworth: Okay girls today we are going natural Nell Bedworth: [On bras] how do you put these things on? Nell Bedworth: [on dealing with erractions] I just think of you...it goes right down


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