
供您决定 (2006) 6.7

For Your Consideration 更多片名>

2006-09-10(加拿大)| 喜剧| 美国
上映时间:2006-09-10(加拿大) 类型: 喜剧
评分: 力荐



Corey Taft: In every actor there lives a tiger, a pig, an ass, and a nightingale. Corey Taft: Question. Would it surprise me to tell you that I am 1/8th Mighty Choctaw? Corey Taft: Don't make assumptions about the talent. Don't assume the talent can hear well. Chuck Porter: Marilyn Hack and trash, what a juxtaposition. Lane Iverson: You can't throw the baby out with the bathwater because then all you have is a wet, critically injured baby. Chuck Porter: You know what they say about blind prostitutes? Chuck Porter: You have to hand it to them! Martin Gibb: All I'm saying is, have it there, have it there, don't shove it down people's throat. I don't run around going, "I'm a gentile, look at my foreskin!" I don't shove it down your throat, because I don't care. Chuck Porter: Now I know what it feels like to stare down into the Grand Canyon. Callie Webb: [during her "No Penis Intended" comedy routine after the nominations] Yes, I suppose I'll forgive him... in HELL! HA HA HA HA! [laughs maniacally] Whitney Taylor Brown: [everyone around her is arguing] Well what about me? Marilyn Hack: Is that my sweet Rachel's voice I heard? Or am I just goin' meshuga? Mary Pat Hooligan: Dying is easy. Playing a lesbian is hard. Jay Berman: I love that you did all this work, and it'll serve you well - but not on this movie.


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