The Curse of Blanchard Hill (2006)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧  恐怖  灾难


  • advertisement Forest Ranger Fred: [upon seeing the corpses of two victims] Oh my God! They're dead! Oh my God they're really dead! Why me? Why did I have to find these people? I can't believe it! [pukes] Victor: This place is great. Forest Ranger Fred: Hey you guys? I don't know about this. I think we might need to get some backup... Maybe a search team or the Marines or something. Detective Roger: No! That's a stupid idea. If we do that, this place'll be crawling with media, and we don't need that! Detective Peter: Right. It'll blow our case! If that killer has cable TV, we're done for. Detective Roger: He could even have extended cable. Detective Peter: Is that even possible in this forbidden land? Forest Ranger Fred: You guys, we don't even have DSL up here. Detective Roger: Lame. Detective Peter: In any case, we've got to keep quiet until we know more. Forest Ranger Fred: Buh... But we gotta warn them! I mean, more people could die! We gotta quarantine this place off! Detective Peter: Look, pal! We're the detectives, and you're the forest ranger. So you just leave us alone to do our jobs, and you do yours. Got it? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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