"Stacked" (2005)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧
  • 片       名"Stacked...
  • 上映时间2005年04月13日(美国)
  • 导       演 Scott Elli...Bob Koherr


  • Harold March: At NASA, we used to have a poster on the wall. It said, "If you're gonna make an omlette, you have to break a few eggs." The astronauts did *not* like that poster. Skyler Dayton: Call me old-fashioned, but if you're going to sleep with two women, one of them had better be me! Stuart Miller: Books on relationships can be found under Human Behavior and Self-Help. My name's Stuart, and I can be found under Dangerous Men. Skyler Dayton: So can I, which is why I need the book. Harold March: [sees Katrina coming in] Finally! Where's my coffee? Katrina: [getting behind the counter] I dunno, where's the life I always wanted? Woman: I would kill for a figure like that. Skyler Dayton: Hey, I can hear you. And it's not like I bought the last pair. Harold March: [Stuart and Gavin want Harold to give some kids a science lecture in the store] If I had wanted to lecture to a bunch of kids whose only accomplishments were playing video games and throwing up, I would never have left Dartmouth! Skyler Dayton: I seem to have a thing for guys in a band. And actors. And pro athletes. And circus performers. Katrina: I seem to have a thing for guys who are one naked girl away from realizing they're gay. Gavin P. Miller: Is it just me, Professor, or are the world's standards deteriorating? Harold March: Standards can kiss my ass! Standards keep people from taking chances. Stuart Miller: [after reacting strongly to Skyler tell him that she loved him] How am I going to look her in the eye after this? Gavin P. Miller: Shouldn't be a problem, it's not where you normally look. Gavin P. Miller: [after hearing that Skyler is telling everyone she loves them] What kind of new age nonsense is that? This is a place of business, not some hippy love-in. Katrina: Hippy love-in? Harold March: [sternly] Hey! We were going to change the world! Katrina: It's like sex. Haven't you ever faked it just to boost a guy's ego? Skyler Dayton: Never. That would only be reinforcing a bad habit. Katrina: Okay, how about to just get it over with? Skyler Dayton: Yeah, I've done that. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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