"Commander in Chief" (2005)

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  • Grace Bridges: If Moses had been a woman, leading the Jews out of Egypt, she'd have stopped to ask for directions. They would've found Israel within a week. Mackenzie Allen: What a town. You can't even trust the backstabbers. Mackenzie Allen: I'm going to go out there, and I'm going to take the oath of office. I'm going to run this government... and if some Islamic nations can't tolerate a female president, then I promise you... it will be more their problem than mine! Amy Allen: Will they put your face on money? Mackenzie Allen: So I say to the people of this nation: I am humbled by your greatness. I am humbled by the history being made here today, humbled by the notion that I am the first woman to hold this office. I'm humbled by the responsibilities that rest with me. Mackenzie Allen: [grumbling that her youngest has interrupted an intimate moment with her husband] Potus interruptus. [Templeton and the President disagree on anti-crime measures] Reporter: Least she's doing something. You're just talking. Nathan Templeton: You don't get it, do you? She's doing something to cause a lot of talk; I'm talking something to cause a lot to get done. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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