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The Trouble with Dee Dee

The Trouble with Dee Dee (2005)

2005-10-16(美国)| 喜剧| 美国
上映时间:2005-10-16(美国) 类型: 喜剧
评分: 力荐

Dee Dee Rutherford (Lisa Ann Walter-The Parent Trap, Bruce Almighty) has never been able to figure out what her father, Bill (Kurtwood Smith...更多>


Dee Dee Rutherford: It's the hunt and the kill, baby! Dee Dee Rutherford: I hate the fucking newspapers. Why can't they just mind their own business? William Rutherford:


You can't come begging for money here, this is a fundraiser for christ's sake!


Yugo: I'm having proud on you. Christopher Rutherford: [as Yugo struggles picking the lock on their front door] So you have... experience... with this? Yugo: This was different time. I break in to get food. This is not good. Christopher Rutherford: You ever get caught? Yugo: One time. Christopher Rutherford: You go to jail? Yugo: No. Christopher Rutherford: What happened? Yugo: Your mother say, 'Big misunderstanding! He works for me... ' Christopher Rutherford: Wait. You broke into this house? Yugo: Yes but your mother she... she let me go. Give me job. Say could use guy good at getting into places. Christopher Rutherford: You broke into THIS house? Yugo: Yes... but it was much easier last time.

The Trouble with Dee Dee

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