异形启示录 (2005)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 动作  冒险  喜剧
  • 片       名异形启示录
  • 上映时间2005年10月04日
  • 导       演 Josh Becke...
  • 剧       情
    宇航员医生 Ivan Hood(Bruce Campbell) 和宇航员Kelly (Renee O'Connor)完成任务回归地球, 他们发现世界被外星人接管了。现在他们必须发动革命,从外星主人手里释放人类奴...


  • Dr. Ivan Hood: Hey, scumbag! You forgot something. Bounty Hunter #3: What? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [he is shot by a crossbow and drops down to his knees] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Bounty Hunter #3: Ungh... you said you're a doctor. You're supposed to heal people. Dr. Ivan Hood: I am. Your stupidity is terminal. And now you're cured. Dr. Ivan Hood: Those bounty hunters are all fags. I can handle 'em. Alex: What's television? Dr. Ivan Hood: None of your damn business! Dr. Ivan Hood: Just call me a... great healer. Alex: [after Dr Hood has stabbed and killed one of the aliens] They die? Dr. Ivan Hood: Everything dies. Dr. Ivan Hood: Ok, ok, I get it, I'm a space man, thank you! Tyler: Why do you want me to drink if you're just gonna stick me with a knife? Dr. Ivan Hood: Because I'm a sadist! Fisherman Bob: What are you doing here? Dr. Ivan Hood: We're looking for the president. Fisherman Bob: The president huh? The president's dead. Dr. Ivan Hood: Are you sure? Fisherman Bob: No. Are you sure he's alive? Dr. Ivan Hood: No, but we're gonna find out. Alex, Bizzi & Tyler: [fists in air, chanting in unison] THE PRESIDENT LIVES! Dr. Ivan Hood: Hey hey hey! Can we stop with that 'President Lives' crap, okay? You're not slogan repeating slaves anymore, you're free people! Start acting like it. Dr. Ivan Hood: You know, there were so many things in this world that I always took for granted and now that they're gone, Ooph! I miss'em! Bizzi: Like what? Dr. Ivan Hood: Well like they had these restaurants. People called them 'Greasy Spoons' and you could go in there and get eggs, toast, hash browns, and coffee for nine ninety nine, and the waitress would come around FOUR times and ask you if everything was alright, and then forget to give you coffee. And uh, scanning up and down the radio dial lookin' for a good song and only finding ones that you don't like, y'know. And, like, BASKETBALL!... even though my team never won and we never got into the playoffs. And crappy TV shows... I dunno. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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