你想要的一切 (2005)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧  爱情
  • 片       名你想要的一切
  • 上映时间2005年04月17日(美国)
  • 导       演 瑞恩·雷特尔


  • Ryan Sanders: We clear? Abby Morrison: As mud. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [in an art gallery] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Quinn Andrews: It looks like spaghetti. Abby Morrison: Well maybe to you, but I happen to see something else. Quinn Andrews: Fettucini, I got it. Quinn Andrews: Did you feel that? We just had our first moment. Abby Morrison: You're an idiot. Quinn Andrews: [while playing pong - the first primitive video game] Just quick question man, when are you gunna get a new game? Calvin Dillwaller: They made new games? Calvin Dillwaller: Just be careful man, girl is a 4 letter word. Abby Morrison: So Sy what do you imagine me to be? Sy: An angel. Quinn Andrews: Cal what are you doing? Calvin Dillwaller: Fixing your car. Quinn Andrews: But my car's not broken. Calvin Dillwaller: Oh. [pause] Calvin Dillwaller: You should go to Abby's. Quinn Andrews: Am I gunna walk? Calvin Dillwaller: Well your car's kinda broken! Sy: If he breaks your heart... I'll ... Abby Morrison: What are you gunna do huh? Are you gunna like stab him with some imaginary sword? Abby Morrison: Now you listen to me, I am not gonna leave you for him ok? Sy: You promise? Abby Morrison: Mm hmm. Sy: Then prove it. Calvin Dillwaller: You want some chicken salad? I made it with ham. Abby Morrison: I hope you're not leaving because of me! Calvin Dillwaller: It's totally because of you. It's just weird. Abby Morrison: Whatever happened to the guy that didn't know anything about art. It was a lot easier to hate him. Quinn Andrews: Cal, the light. Calvin Dillwaller: Quinn, the pants. Quinn Andrews: What? Calvin Dillwaller: I thought we were playing word association! Quinn Andrews: No! Just shut off the light! Jessica Lindstrom: I don't wanna make you feel bad. Quinn Andrews: Why would his job make me feel bad? Jessica Lindstrom: Because... he's... a lawyer. Quinn Andrews: Wow, that's impressive. What kind of lawyer is he? Jessica Lindstrom: Um... a good one. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [Abby walks away with the flashlight in a dark museum after Quinn scared her] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Quinn Andrews: Don't leave me in the dark. Abby Morrison: You're a bad monkey. Jessica Lindstrom: [has only ever dated men named Ryan] David... David... I like that name. Sy: There are thousands of other women, and some men, who dream of me! Calvin Dillwaller: Let's see if you can get past the Canadian! [Quinn hits Calvin in the crotch with a hockey puck] Quinn Andrews: Are you okay? Calvin Dillwaller: Give me another one man, come on! Quinn Andrews: But I just hit you in the K-nuts. Calvin Dillwaller: You just hit the right one, I'm invincible man! Sy: Don't be hard on him if he doesn't wanna go to lots of romantic movies. [Abby smiles] Sy: Most guys, they don't like that stuff. [starts to walk away] Abby Morrison: Sy... thank you. Quinn Andrews: You know I'm not perfect. Abby Morrison: I'm not looking for perfect anymore. Quinn Andrews: You don't like me much do you? Abby Morrison: Funny, I thought you were slow. Quinn Andrews: [looks at her name tag] Abigail huh? That's a weird name. Abby Morrison: It's Abby. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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