沙地传奇2 (2005)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 喜剧  家庭  运动
  • 片       名沙地传奇2
  • 上映时间2005年05月03日
  • 导       演 David M. E...
  • 剧       情
    沙地传奇的导演带给我们这部充满乐趣结局的电影,证明了集体的力量大,并欢庆友谊的神奇魔力。   在原来的故事发生10年后,当地的肮脏的区域现在成了一群孩子的“家”。但这些孩子们面临着一个最艰难的挑战: 他们试图找回一个落在Mertle先生家后院里的不可替换的模型火箭,而那...


  • Mac McKing: You're a fart-sniffing, road-apple-chewing, scab-licking female dog! Singleton: Well, you... Mac McKing 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • f74 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • : I ain't done yet! You're ugly, your mama dresses you funny, you stink like toe fungus and you ride the short school bus! David Durango: ["The Great Fear" chases him over the wall] Oh, shit! David Durango: [punches Singleton in the face after Singleton hits Hayley] You never, ever hit a girl, you creep! Johnnie Smalls: I'm really sorry, Hayley. I'll be sure to take all the blame. Hayley Goodfairer: Can I ask you somethin'? Johnnie Smalls: Sure, I guess. Hayley Goodfairer: It's just [pauses] Hayley Goodfairer: where's David? I thought he'd come back. Cuz, you know, I thought he [pauses] Hayley Goodfairer: nevermind. Forget it. It's stupid. Johnnie Smalls: It's not stupid. He does. Hayley Goodfairer: Does what? Johnnie Smalls: Likes you. Hayley Goodfairer: He does? Johnnie Smalls: Duh. Hayley Goodfairer: But, he never said. Johnnie Smalls: Boys don't do that. Did you ever tell him? Hayley Goodfairer: [thinks about it then shakes her head 'no'] Could you tell him for me? Johnnie Smalls: Why? Hayley Goodfairer: Cuz he's like the fastest boy I've ever seen and I just thought [pauses] Hayley Goodfairer: Forget it. It's stupid. Johnnie Smalls: No, it's not stupid. Stay here. I'll be back. [she watches him leave] Narrator: David and Haylie went on through high school. then they went their seperate ways. Ten years later, they met again, but just as they first met, David was too scared to talk, so haylie did the talking for him. Narrator: She said, "You're supposed to say will you marry me." And so he did. Singleton: Yeah, well, you play like a girl! Hayley Goodfairer: Excuse me? [Johnnie just lifted the lantern up to show the skull] Mac McKing: Do you know what that looks like? Jenny: We see it, Mac, now shut up! [Goliath growls and there's a bunch of noise] Mac McKing: Did you guys hear that? Penny: [Penny and Jenny grab each other] We heard it, Mac, now hut up! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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