"Sensei no o-jikan - Doki doki school hours& (2004)

  • 日本
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  • 动画  喜剧
"Sensei no o-jikan - Doki doki school hours"
  • 片       名"Sensei no ...
  • 导       演 Yoshiaki I...
  • 又       名"Sensei no o-jikan - Dok...
  • 编       剧 Tamami Mom...


  • Akane Kobayashi: He's having fun by himself again. Minako Tominaga: Don't go near him! You might get infected too. Akane Kobayashi: Poem, Title: Myself in Spring by Kobayashi. Spring is a fun season. However, it is a depressing rhapsody. In terms of chocolate... Chocolate is delicious. What I especially like is chocolate cake. Speaking of chocolate cake, I recommend the cake shop at the Okitsu Shopping Center! It is so soft and sweet and right after you put it in your mouth, it feels like a carnival and stuff... Mika Suzuki: Books are like nutrition for your spirit. Just like eating food to feed your body, you must read books to feed your spirit. Akane Kobayashi: Oh, I'm on a diet. Yuuichi Kudo: Is he okay? Akane Kobayashi: Watabe is the manga club's only member. Shizuka: I pity him. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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