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Blackballed: The Bobby Dukes Story

Blackballed: The Bobby Dukes Story 6.5

2004-03-12(美国)| 喜剧| 美国
上映时间:2004-03-12(美国) 类型: 喜剧
评分: 力荐


Sam Brown: I'm number 2 because I'm the shit! Eddie Reynolds: Second place is first place for losers! Jill Watson: Sam Loves me, and Sam has always loved me, and you know that Sam was never actually dating me, but he remained celibate, the entire time that we weren't together? He would write me notes that I wouldn't respond to because I was dedicated to bobby, that would just say "I'm not fucking anyone... but you in my head". And I thought, after awhile, how can I just reject that? That is just really, really, really dedication. Bobby Dukes: [with a bag placed over his head] Why does this bag smell like doughnuts? Bill Henry: That is the smell of death. That is the smell of the death of your failure. That is the smell of the death of your defeat. That is the smell of the death of your shame... Bobby Dukes: It smells like doughnuts. Bill Henry: Good work Muddogs. You feel that tingle in your gonads? Welcome to the next level. You have been bobbycied. You have been dukellated. Bill Henry: You have two days bobby dukes, to get yourself back on the saddle of your formal self. You will not achieve that goal by splashing around in the lower end of your pool of self esteem... Bobby Dukes: [under his breath] What does that mean?

Blackballed: The Bobby Dukes Story

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