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  • : I'm going to find out who they really are. Roger: A hot alien with snake tits? Roger: With you it's all about cameras, conspiracies and alien girls from hooter planet! Luke: How do you like your alien Luke? Medium Rare. Detective Watts: Baby got backup! Luke: Belt of Orion? How about belt of O-Fryin'! Luke: That's it, ladies, show me your navels! Luke: Your eyes are so beautiful. Alex: Because they are looking at you. Roger: [alternative DVD scene] You think Melody knows I'm a virgin? Luke: Why do you care? Roger: I just do. Luke: My grandfather use to say you worry less about what people think of you once you realize how little they do. Roger: You think Melody knows I'm a virgin? Luke: Actually, yeah. Roger: [in the dorm laundry room, pulls out two beer cans from his laundry basket] Oh, yeah, a cerveza? Luke: I got to slow down man, OK? Roger: You can slow down when you're dead. [hands Luke a beer] Roger: Oh, yeah. [cracks the beer open and takes a swig] Luke: [Alternative DVD scene] You never stop believing in me. Why? Alex: Soulmates believe. Luke: You never gave up on me. Alex: Never. Luke: Yeah, never. Constance: [after being introduced to Luke, pauses briefly from licking on a sucker] Hola... sorry, I have an oral fixation. Constance: You wanna lick? Constance: Men at home are dead, these boys are ripe for picking! Constance: I think it's about to get hotter in here! Constance: I wanna have sex with you Roger, I don't wanna frickin' marry you! Constance: I'll have a vodka, chilled. Make it a triple! Constance: The countdown's begun. Constance: A killer babe? Constance: I wasn't supposed to have feelings about this. Roger: About what? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : About you. I've never met anyone like you Roger. Roger: You say it like it's a bad thing. Constance: It is... because everything you said about Lilly and I. It's true. Constance: Ice cold hormones! Constance: Although it would be the highest honor imaginable to be the first one to spawn. I will not take that chance with you, let's wait. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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