
  • Chairman of Genshiken: But how about officially joining Genshiken, huh Katsukabe? Saki Kasukabe: Not a chance! Chairman of Genshiken: Mmm, well that was quick. Madarame Harunobu: Mr. Chairman, there is no way she'll ever join the club, is there? Chairman of Genshiken: Hmm... no, and it certainly seems like such a pity to lose you. You so enjoy using this room when we're gone. Saki Kasukabe: [gasp] Madarame Harunobu, Kugayana Mitsunori: Huh? Chairman of Genshiken: You seem so..."at home" in our office. Saki Kasukabe: [blushing] What do you mean? Chairman of Genshiken: You've been having... Saki Kasukabe: [interrupting, whispering to the chairman] Mr. Chairman, the student council thing was wierd enough but how could you've known about this? Is this more than just a coincidence? Do you make it a habit of spying? Chairman of Genshiken: [innocently] Why, whatever do you mean, Katsukabe? Saki Kasukabe: Thats enough! I made sure we were very careful. But you have spy cameras here, don't you? Chairman of Genshiken: Now do you really think I would do that? Saki Kasukabe: That would be a bad thing for you to do, bad for me too. Chairman of Genshiken: ...what a delenma. Madarame Harunobu: [confused] What are you doing? Chairman of Genshiken: If I were that kind of person there would already be a large number of people irrespective of gender who could no longer attend this school. But there are no such people here, are there? Saki Kasukabe: ["deer in the head-lights" look, long pause] I'll join the club. [collective gasp] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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