Sam Epstein has been struggling to get his foot in the door, as a filmmaker and as a man, but his attempts inevitably fail. Sam believes that he alone is responsible for his success or failure as a filmmaker, and he resolves to shoot his first feature. At the hands of Sam's roommates, Trevor and Chip, mishaps quickly bring production to a standstill. Trevor introduces Sam's crewmembers to his drug collection while Chip seduces Sam's beloved leading lady, Janus. Sam wrestles to regain control of his shoot, but the battle transforms him into a ruthless, sociopath who carries a loaded gun on the set and throws hot coffee at exhausted crewmembers. Sam finishes the film but loses Janus, plunges himself into debt and incurs a $1 million lawsuit from his crew. Meanwhile, Chip peddles nonexistent screenplays to top acquisitions executives while blocking Sam's own attempts to contact them. Sam snaps, turning to black magic for help. He intends to make Chip a human sacrifice, convinced that this will guarantee the successful distribution of his film. But even the best laid plans go awry, and Sam learns the meaning of BOHICA. e8e Written by Montlack, Andrew