"3 Non-Blondes" (2003)

  • 英国
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  • 喜剧
"3 Non-Blondes"
  • 片       名"3 Non-Blon...
  • 上映时间2003年09月16日(英国)
  • 导       演 John F.D. ...
  • 又       名"3 Non-Blondes"




  • Ninia Benjamin: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Excuse me, I'm a friend of Elizabeth Taylor... and she always wears Frosty Pink... at Christmas. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Jocelyn Jee: 1, 2, 3 Kru Shall in the house, yeah, yeah, yeah, squeek like a mouse! Ninia Benjamin, Tameka Empson, Jocelyn Jee: We'll be stepping into the club and now everybody loves us cos they wanna be our mates! We don't drink wine, we party all the time and we profile with our mates! Ninia Benjamin: But they're not the mates that we met in the club! Tameka Empson: Why not? Jocelyn Jee: Why not!? Ninia Benjamin: Because they're not dumb. Tameka Empson: Because they're not sexy. Jocelyn Jee: Because they're not cool. Ninia Benjamin: Why not!? Jocelyn Jee: Why not? Tameka Empson: Cos they ain't. Ninia Benjamin, Tameka Empson: Kru Shall. Jocelyn Jee: Come on now! Ninia Benjamin, Tameka Empson: Kru Shall. Jocelyn Jee: Say what!? Ninia Benjamin, Tameka Empson: Kru Shall. Jocelyn Jee: Hear what!? Ninia Benjamin, Tameka Empson: Kru Shall. Jocelyn Jee: One time! Ninia Benjamin, Tameka Empson: Kru Shall. Jocelyn Jee: Come on now! Ninia Benjamin, Tameka Empson: Kru Shall. Jocelyn Jee: Say what!? Ninia Benjamin, Tameka Empson: Kru Shall. Ninia Benjamin, Tameka Empson: Kru Shall! Ninia Benjamin, Tameka Empson, Jocelyn Jee: Kru Shall! Ninia Benjamin, Tameka Empson: Kru Shall... Jocelyn Jee: Yeah, break it down. Tameka Empson: Kru Shall! [she sings this repeatedly over the next few lines in a high pitched voice] Jocelyn Jee: Cow, I hope she falls over. Ninia Benjamin: I know. Jocelyn Jee: I'm knackered now. Tameka Empson: Kru Shall... Jocelyn Jee: Here we come again with the Kru Shall vibe, yeah, yeah, yeah and we're rocking this mic. We look real nice, have a bit of rice, Kru Shall makes... Tameka Empson: Kru Shall! Jocelyn Jee: Let's go! Tameka Empson: Kru Shall, break it down! Ninia Benjamin, Tameka Empson, Jocelyn Jee: Freestyle! Tameka Empson: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah... freestyle! Jocelyn Jee: Glastonbury! Tameka Empson: Uh, uh, uh, yeah. Jocelyn Jee: We love you! Yeah, woo! woo! Oh, they love us! Tameka Empson: Uh, uh, uh, uh. Jocelyn Jee: Oh touch my hand [she goes towards the crowd and touches their hands] Jocelyn Jee: ah, ah! AH! Tameka Empson: Kru Shall, Kru Shall, Kru Shall. Jocelyn Jee: Shall we do it again acapella? Ninia Benjamin: No, let's leave them wanting more! Jocelyn Jee: Yeah. Jocelyn Jee: Excuse me love, are you black? Jocelyn Jee: Check me lyrics, check me lyrics. Jocelyn Jee: Excuse me, what's the time? It is time for the witching hour! Jocelyn Jee: Do I look like Cruella De Vil? Bring me those puppies! Ninia Benjamin: Do you realize I'm naked under this coat? Ninia Benjamin: Excuse me sir, have you got the time please? Man: I have, yeah, ten minutes to eleven. Ninia Benjamin: Why? Tameka Empson: Hi girls, hi girls, how you saying, what's your names? Donna: Donna. Emar: Emar. Tameka Empson: Donna. Claire: Claire. Tameka Empson: Claire, okay I'm Susan, yeah. Donna: Hiya. Tameka Empson: A.k.a Monica, yeah, a.k.a Kate, a.k.a Lisa. Donna: Why's that? Tameka Empson: A.k.a Shana, a.k.a Kara-Kara. Donna: A.k.a can't make up your mind. Tameka Empson: A.k.a Natifah, a.k.a Nativah, a.k.a Susan the second, a.k.a Georga, a.k.a Jessica, a.k.a Jane, a.k.a Jocelyn, a.k.a Ninia, a.k.a Nora but you can call me Susan. Jocelyn Jee: Excuse me, but there's a queue. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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