"Xiaolin Showdown" (2003)

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  • 动画  动作  冒险
"Xiaolin Showdown"


  • Omi: This is most embarrassing. Omi: Master Fung is most wise. Dojo: Gong Yi Tan Pai! Jack Spicer: What? Dojo: It means: ready, set, go. Kimiko: Don't mess with the monk! Jack Spicer: Why don't we have a relationship like that? Wuya: I'm not your mommy. Now pick up your toys, Jacky, and let's go home. Raimundo: Anything? Wuya: Toys, money, Canada, name it and it's yours. Jack Spicer: You're nuts! Get off of me! Kimiko: Are you trying to tell me you have a brain freeze? Kimiko: Dojo! Are you alright? Dojo: Yeah, except for this big bump on my head. Dojo: [Kimiko reaches out] Don't touch it! Kimiko: [softly] Sorry. Raimundo: No, I know pie. Pies have apple, or cherry, or rhubarb. This is no pie! Kimiko: So why is Omi acting so silly? Dojo: The Ring of Nine Dragons divides you: your intelligence, creativity, potential, everything. Kimiko: So that would make him... Clay: Dumb as a sack of hammers. Kimiko: [after Omi runs by with a squirrel down his top] Presenting the mighty Xiaolin Dragon of Water. Clay: Not exactly his proudest moment, is it? Clay: Thanks for that, buddy, I really... Uh, Omi, what are you doing? Omi: Snow angels! Hee! Raimundo: What Omi did to that sentence, we're going to do to you! Wuya: Why do you build these stupid machines? They're worthless Jack Spicer: Mum said I need a hobby Omi: [after being sent back into the past] Now, all I have to do is return to the future! [Stops for a moment and thinks] Omi: Which I have no idea how to do. Kimiko: [In the present and so mad at Jack that fire shoots out of her eyes] What do you mean you can't get him back? Jack Spicer: Oops. Omi: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • I must admit, when I realized that Jack Spicer had sent me one thousand years into the past with no way to return, I was mildly concerned. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [a flashback shows him running around in a circle and screaming] Omi: I soon realized that the only way to return to the future was to wait. [Clay, Kimiko and Jack's jaws drop] Kimiko: You waited for a thousand years? Omi: Exactly. Kimiko: But you don't have wrinkles or liver spots, or... Jack Spicer: Or that old people smell. [Kimiko smacks him] Jack Spicer: OW! Omi: [Reveals that he froze himself for a thousand years] But I am still very cold. [He shivers] Omi: Could somebody lend me a blanket? Kimiko: How about a nice warm hug instead? [She hugs him and Omi blushes] Omi: [Reading about the Saphire Dragon] One of the most dangerous Sang Gong Woo. Use only as a last resort. Can turn your enemies into a sapphire statue. Raimundo: [Reading over Omi's shoulder] As well as the guy next door, the old lady down the street, the kids at the playground... 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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