爱情囉囉挛 (2003)

  • 德国
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  • 喜剧
  • 片       名爱情囉囉挛
  • 上映时间2003年11月12日(德国)
  • 导       演 Florian G&...


  • Ziege: If you have problems with your willie - Sex up makes it grow immensely, really! Ziege: You recognize the power of your manhood on how far your juice shoots! Sven: Dude, you really should clean up more often. Ziege: Why? This pizza's not even a week old! < 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • hr width="30%"> Ziege: I guess that's what you call doggy style, right? Gabi: [Ziege and his parents Gabi and Klaus witness the family dog in a strange condition of howling all the time] What's up with the dog? Ziege: Aw, he just wanna bonk. Gabi: "Bonk"? Klaus: Shag... Gabi: Yeah, I know. It's just that... he's been castrated for ten years already. Gabi: Listen, did Anton maybe make hints into the direction of a girlfriend? Klaus: No, why? Gabi: Well, he's old enough. Maybe he's gay. Klaus: I don't think so! Gabi: Why not? I mean, he's got that poster of a half-naked man hanging in his room. Ziege: [whispering] That's Eminem! Ziege: Gentlemen, I herewith present you "Sex up". The juice of this plant turned out to be a still undiscovered but highly effective aphrodisiac. The effect is always the same: The state of an uncontrollable horniness aiming at the first person you see after you've taken it. Do you understand? As soon as the juice begins to work, you get horny as hell at the first person you see at that moment! Usually you stay like this for hours. At least that's what our tests showed so far. Ziege: We will have sex, too! As much as we want, with whomever we want and whenever we want! Ziege, Sven, Häschen: For the science! Frau Hitzeroth: Now, how's our hormone bundle doing? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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