'Weird Al' Yankovic: The Ultimate Video Collecti (2003)

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'Weird Al' Yankovic: The Ultimate Video Collection
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  • [intro to the Fat video] Fat Man: Yo, home boy, where'ya been, man? We've been looking for you. Fat Man 2: Yeah. We ain't seen you around Burger World lately! So where'ya been? Al: Oh, you know, around. Fat Man 1: Want a piece of pizza? Think I got an extra piece around here somewhere... Al: No, that's okay, really. Fat Man 2: Yo, Ding-Dong. Ding-Dong, man. Ding-Dong, yo! Al: No, thanks, really. Fat Man 3: [shoving a burger in Al's face] Yo, eat this, man. It's good for you. Al: I'm... not really very hungry right now... Fat Man 1: Hey, man, what it is with you? You on some kind of diet? Fat Man 2: Yeah! Is that what they teach you in that little sissy school of yours? Al: Back off me, man, back off! Fat Man 1: The question is, are you fat, or what? Al: Just leave me alone! Fat Man 1: I said are you fat? Al: Get off me, man! Stop it! Fat Man 1: You ain't down with us no more! You ain't fat! You ain't fat! Al: You ain't fat! You ain't nothin'! YOU AIN'T NOTHIN'! [Archive clip: taken out of context to refer to nuclear missiles being launched at Christmas] Ronald Reagan: Well, the big day's only a few hours away now... I'm sure you're all looking forward to it as much as we are. [clip from UHF (1989)] Stanley Spadowski: YOU get to drink from the FIRE HOSE! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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